Kalderetang Tokwa Ala Riceype

Kalderetang Tokwa Ala Riceype


1 cup of cubed and fried tofu
1/2 cup bell pepper
1 cup diced potatoes
1 medium carrot, cubed
1 small onion, chopped
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 cup water
2 tablespoons cooking oil
Kaldereta Mix
Salt and pepper to taste


1. Heat oil in a pan
2. Saute garlic and onion.
3. Put-in potatoes, carrots, bell pepper, sugar,salt, and pepper. Stir and cook for 8 to 12 minutes.
4. add fried tofu
5. Pour in Kaldereta Mix Let boil and simmer for 5 minutes: Add water as necessary.
6. Serve. Share and enjoy!

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